Arrow Rightback to homepageABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQSTUVWXZABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZKiaiKiai (気合, pronounced "kee-eye") is a Japanese term used in martial arts to describe a short, sharp shout or yell that is emitted by a practitioner during an attack or a defensive move.Read MoreArrow RightCatch WrestlingCatch Wrestling, also known as Catch-As-Catch-Can Wrestling, is a traditional grappling art that originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the United Kingdom and later became popular in the United States.Read MoreArrow RightShuangdaoShuangdao (双刀), also known as Double Broadsword, is a traditional Chinese martial art that involves the use of two dao (刀), which are single-edged broadswords. Read MoreArrow RightShuangjanShuangjian (双剑), also known as Double Sword, is a traditional Chinese martial art that involves the use of two jian (剑), which are straight, double-edged swords.Read MoreArrow RightDuillianDuillian (对练), also known as Duilian or Two-Person Sets, is a traditional training method in Chinese martial arts where two practitioners engage in pre-arranged, choreographed combat sequences. Read MoreArrow RightNangunNangun (南棍), also known as the Southern Staff, is a traditional Chinese martial art that focuses on the use of the nan gun (南棍), a type of staff associated with the southern styles of Chinese martial arts.Read MoreArrow RightNandaoNandao (南刀), also known as the Southern Broadsword, is a traditional Chinese martial art that focuses on the use of the nan dao (南刀), a type of broadsword associated with the southern styles of Chinese martial arts.Read MoreArrow RightQiangshuQiangshu (枪术), also known as Spear Technique, is a traditional Chinese martial art that focuses on the use of the qiang (枪), a spear.Read MoreArrow RightJianshuJianshu (剑术), also known as Swordsmanship, is a traditional Chinese martial art that focuses on the use of the jian (剑), a straight, double-edged sword. The jian is often referred to as the "gentleman's weapon" due to its elegance and precision.Read MoreArrow RightDaoshuDaoshu (刀术), also known as Broadsword Technique or Swordsmanship, is a traditional Chinese martial art focused on the use of the dao (刀), a single-edged Chinese broadsword.Read MoreArrow RightTaijijianTaijijian (太极剑), also known as Tai Chi Sword, is a traditional Chinese martial art that combines the principles and movements of Taijiquan (Tai Chi) with sword techniquesRead MoreArrow RightNanquanNanquan (南拳), also known as Southern Fist, is a style of Chinese martial arts originating from the southern regions of China.Read MoreArrow RightChang QuanChang Quan (长拳), also known as Long Fist, is a traditional style of Chinese martial arts characterized by its extended, flowing movements, wide stances, and dynamic techniques.Read MoreArrow RightTaoluTaolu (套路), often referred to as forms or routines, are choreographed sequences of movements in Chinese martial arts. Read MoreArrow RightTun BuTun Bu (蹲步), also known as the Squatting Stance or Crouching Stance, is a traditional stance used in various Chinese martial arts.Read MoreArrow RightJin Ji Du LiJin Ji Du Li (金鸡独立), also known as the Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg, is a traditional stance used in various Chinese martial arts.Read MoreArrow RightSi-Liu BuSi-Liu Bu (四六步), also known as the Four-Six Stance or Four-Six Step, is a fundamental stance used in various Chinese martial arts.Read MoreArrow RightZuo Pan BuZuo Pan Bu (坐盘步), also known as the Cross-Leg Stance or Sitting Stance, is a traditional stance used in various Chinese martial arts.Read MoreArrow RightXuan Ji BuXuan Ji BuRead MoreArrow RightFu Hu BuFu Hu Bu (伏虎步), also known as the Tiger Stance or Crouching Tiger Stance, is a traditional stance used in various Chinese martial arts.Read MoreArrow RightGong BuGong Bu (弓步), also known as the Bow Stance or Archer Stance, is a fundamental stance in many Chinese martial arts.Read MoreArrow RightMa BuMa Bu (马步), also known as the Horse Stance, is a fundamental stance in many Chinese martial arts.Read MoreArrow RightFei Lung Kung FuFei Lung Kung Fu (also spelled Fei Long Kung Fu), which translates to "Flying Dragon Kung Fu," is a style of Chinese martial arts that emphasizes fluid, dynamic movements and powerful strikes.Read MoreArrow RightNorthern Praying MantisNorthern Praying Mantis (北派螳螂拳, Běi Pài Táng Láng Quán) is a traditional Chinese martial art that is renowned for its intricate and agile techniques, which mimic the movements of the praying mantis insect. Read MoreArrow RightSouthern Praying MantisSouthern Praying Mantis (南派螳螂拳, Nán Pài Táng Láng Quán) is a distinct style of Chinese martial arts that differs from its Northern counterpart.Read MoreArrow RightBajiquanBajiquan (八极拳), also known as Baji Quan or Eight Extremities Fist, is a traditional Chinese martial art that is renowned for its explosive power and close-range combat techniques.Read MoreArrow RightMonkey Kung FuMonkey Kung Fu, also known as Monkey Boxing or Hou Quan (猴拳), is a traditional Chinese martial art that imitates the movements and behaviors of monkeys.Read MoreArrow RightMantis BoxingMantis Boxing, also known as Praying Mantis Kung Fu, is a traditional Chinese martial art that mimics the movements of the praying mantis insect.Read MoreArrow RightGeomdoGeomdo (also spelled Kumdo or Gumdo) is a modern Korean martial art that focuses on swordsmanship. Read MoreArrow RightVajra-mustiVajra-musti is an ancient Indian martial art that combines elements of wrestling, striking, and the use of a unique weapon known as the "vajra-musti," which translates to "thunder fist" or "diamond fist."Read MoreArrow RightMandinga"Mandinga" is a multifaceted concept that encompasses elements of trickery, charm, magic, and the ability to captivate or deceive an opponent.Read MoreArrow RightMalíciaMalícia in Capoeira is a complex and nuanced concept that refers to a blend of cunning, strategy, deception, and awareness.Read MoreArrow RightAxéAxé is a vital and multifaceted concept that encompasses the energy, spirit, and positive vibes shared among practitioners.Read MoreArrow RightRabbit PunchA rabbit punch is a type of blow delivered to the back of the head or the upper neck.Read MoreArrow RightChin NaChin Na, also spelled Qinna, is a Chinese martial art technique that focuses on seizing and controlling an opponent through joint locks, pressure point manipulation, and other grappling techniques.Read MoreArrow RightTaihojutsuTaihojutsu, also spelled Taiho-jutsu, is a Japanese martial art specifically developed for law enforcement and self-defense.Read MoreArrow RightSilatSilat is a collective term for a class of indigenous martial arts from the Malay Archipelago, encompassing a variety of styles and traditions from countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, and the southern Philippines.Read MoreArrow RightYiquanYiquan, also known as "Intention Boxing" or "Mind Boxing," is a Chinese martial art that emphasizes the cultivation of internal power through mental focus and intention rather than through the practice of fixed forms or techniques.Read MoreArrow RightXing Yi QuanXing Yi Quan, also spelled Hsing I Chuan, is one of the major internal martial arts of China.Read MoreArrow RightShorinji KempoShorinji Kempo is a Japanese martial art that was founded in 1947 by Doshin So.Read MoreArrow RightDefense dans la rueDefense dans la rue is a term that translates to "Defense in the street" in English.Read MoreArrow RightCanne de combatCanne de combat is a French martial art that involves fighting with a cane or walking stick.Read MoreArrow RightLuta LivreLuta Livre, also known as Luta Livre Esportiva or Luta Livre Brasileira, is a Brazilian martial art and combat sport that focuses on grappling and ground fighting.Read MoreArrow RightShuai JiaoShuai Jiao is a traditional Chinese martial art that focuses on grappling and throwing techniques.Read MoreArrow RightPankrationPankration is an ancient Greek martial art that combines elements of both boxing and wrestling, and it is considered one of the earliest forms of mixed martial arts (MMA).Read MoreArrow RightWushuWushu is a modern exhibition and full-contact sport derived from traditional Chinese martial arts.Read MoreArrow RightGreco-Roman WrestlingGreco-Roman wrestling is a style of wrestling that is one of the oldest forms of combat sports, with origins tracing back to ancient Greece and Rome.Read MoreArrow RightSandāSandā, also known as Sǎnshǒu, is a Chinese martial art that combines traditional Kung Fu techniques with modern combat practices.Read MoreArrow RightPataThe pata, also known as the "gauntlet sword," is a unique type of weapon that originated in the Indian subcontinent.Read MoreArrow RightGauntletA gauntlet is a protective glove that was often part of a suit of armor.Read MoreArrow RightEmeiciEmeici, also known as Emei daggers or Emei piercers, are traditional Chinese martial arts weapons.Read MoreArrow RightNekodeNekode, also known as Neko-te, are traditional Japanese weapons that resemble metal claws. Read MoreArrow RightCestusThe cestus (plural: cesti) is an ancient form of hand protection used by boxers in ancient Greece and Rome. Read MoreArrow RightClinchingClinching is a technique used in various combat sports, such as boxing, Muay Thai, mixed martial arts (MMA), and wrestling.Read MoreArrow RightRussian FistfightingRussian Fistfighting, also known as "Kulachniye Boyi" (Кулачные бои), is a traditional form of bare-knuckle fighting that has deep roots in Russian culture and history.Read MoreArrow RightShorei-Ryu-KenpoShorei-Ryu Kenpo is a hybrid martial arts system that combines elements of traditional Okinawan karate (Shorei-Ryu) with the principles and techniques of Kenpo (also spelled Kempo).Read MoreArrow RightJailhouse RockJailhouse Rock, also known as 52 Hand Blocks or simply 52 Blocks, is a unique and somewhat enigmatic form of African-American martial arts that is said to have originated in the penal system of the United States. Read MoreArrow RightEnshinEnshin Karate is a modern style of karate founded by Joko Ninomiya in 1988.Read MoreArrow RightChito-RyuChito-Ryu is a traditional style of karate that was founded by Dr. Tsuyoshi Chitose in the mid-20th century.Read MoreArrow RightShukokaiShukokai is a style of karate that originated in Japan and was founded by Chojiro Tani in the mid-20th century.Read MoreArrow RightUechi-RyuUechi-Ryu is a traditional style of Okinawan karate founded by Kanbun Uechi in the early 20th century.Read MoreArrow RightShorin-RyuShorin-Ryu is a traditional style of Okinawan karate, one of the oldest and most influential martial arts systems originating from Okinawa, Japan.Read MoreArrow RightJogo do PauJogo do Pau is a traditional Portuguese martial art that involves the use of a wooden staff, typically around 1.5 to 2 meters (5 to 6.5 feet) in length.Read MoreArrow RightBojutsuBojutsu is a traditional Japanese martial art that focuses on the use of the bo, a long wooden staff typically around 6 feet (1.8 meters) in length.Read MoreArrow RightTakhadoTakhado is a traditional Vietnamese martial art. It originates from the southern region of Vietnam and is part of the rich cultural heritage of Vietnamese martial arts.Read MoreArrow RightFolding Fan (Phi tiêu)The Folding Fan, known as "Phi Tiêu" in Vietnamese, is a traditional weapon used in various martial arts, including Vovinam.Read MoreArrow RightThree-Section Staff (Tam khúc côn)The Three-Section Staff, known as "Tam Khúc Côn" in Vietnamese, is a traditional martial arts weapon that consists of three wooden or metal rods connected by short chains or ropes.Read MoreArrow Right Nunchaku (Sảng khẩu)The Nunchaku, known as "Sảng Khẩu" in Vietnamese, is a traditional martial arts weapon that consists of two sticks connected by a short chain or rope.Read MoreArrow RightLong Staff (Côn)The Long Staff, or "Côn," is a traditional weapon used in various martial arts, including Vovinam, which is a Vietnamese martial art. Read MoreArrow RightBaguazhangBaguazhang, also known as "Eight Trigram Palm," is a traditional Chinese martial art that is part of the internal styles (neijia) of Chinese martial arts, which also includes Tai Chi and Xing Yi.Read MoreArrow RightChulukua-RyuChulukua-Ryu is a martial arts system that blends various techniques and philosophies from different martial arts traditions.Read MoreArrow RightBamboo Sword (Dao)In martial arts, the term "Bamboo Sword (Dao)" typically refers to a practice weapon made from bamboo that is designed to emulate the characteristics of a traditional Chinese dao.Read MoreArrow RightBartitsuBartitsu is a martial art and self-defense system that was developed in England during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.Read MoreArrow RightSatbaA "satba" is a crucial piece of equipment used in Ssireum, the traditional Korean wrestling sport.Read MoreArrow RightSsireumSsireum is a traditional form of Korean wrestling that has been practiced for centuries.Read MoreArrow RightContemporary CapoeiraContemporary Capoeira, often referred to as "Capoeira Contemporânea," is a modern evolution of Capoeira that blends elements from both traditional Capoeira Angola and Capoeira Regional, along with influences from other martial arts, dance forms, and acrobatics.Read MoreArrow RightCapoeira RegionalCapoeira Regional is one of the two main styles of Capoeira, the other being Capoeira Angola. Read MoreArrow RightCapoeira AngolaCapoeira Angola is one of the two main styles of Capoeira, the other being Capoeira Regional.Read MoreArrow RightRodaThe "roda" (pronounced "ho-da") is a fundamental aspect of Capoeira, serving as both the physical and cultural space where the art form is practiced and displayed.Read MoreArrow RightCapoeiraCapoeira is a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, music, and self-defense. It was developed by African slaves in Brazil during the 16th century as a way to disguise their training for self-defense and rebellion.Read MoreArrow RightPlongIn the context of the traditional Thai martial art Krabi Krabong, "plong" refers to a long wooden staff used as a weapon. Read MoreArrow RightNgaoIn the context of the traditional Thai martial art Krabi Krabong, "ngao" refers to a type of pole weapon, specifically a spear or halberd.Read MoreArrow RightMai Sok SanIn the context of traditional Thai martial arts, particularly Krabi Krabong, "Mai Sok San" refers to a type of weapon that is essentially a pair of wooden clubs or batons, often designed with a handle.Read MoreArrow RightDaabIn the context of the traditional Thai martial art Krabi Krabong, "daab" refers to a sword. Specifically, "daab" (also spelled "darb" or "daab song mue") often refers to a single-edged sword that is used in pairs, known as "double swords."Read MoreArrow RightKrabongIn the context of the traditional Thai martial art Krabi Krabong, "krabong" refers to a staff or long wooden stick used as a weapon.Read MoreArrow RightKrabiIn the context of martial arts, particularly Krabi Krabong, "krabi" refers to a traditional Thai single-edged sword. Read MoreArrow RightKrabi KrabongKrabi Krabong is a traditional Thai martial art that focuses on the use of weapons, although it also includes some unarmed techniques.Read MoreArrow RightNo-Gi Brazilian Jiu-JitsuNo-Gi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a style of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that is practiced without the traditional kimono, or gi. In No-Gi BJJ, practitioners typically wear rash guards, shorts, or spats, which are tighter-fitting athletic clothing designed to minimize friction and prevent the grabbing of clothing during grappling.Read MoreArrow RightHwarangdoHwarangdo, also known as the "Way of the Flowering Knights," was an elite group of young male warriors in ancient Korea, specifically during the Silla Dynasty (57 BC – 935 AD). The Hwarang were originally established as a group of noble youths who were trained in various disciplines, including martial arts, literature, arts, and ethics. Read MoreArrow RightAngathariAngathari is an advanced stage of training in Kalaripayattu, the ancient martial art from Kerala, India.Read MoreArrow RightKolthariKolthari is a significant component of Kalaripayattu, the ancient martial art form from Kerala, India.Read MoreArrow RightMeipayattuMeipayattu, also known as "Mei Payattu" or "Mei Payatt," is a fundamental component of Kalaripayattu, the ancient martial art form from Kerala, India.Read MoreArrow RightDhanurvedaDhanurveda is an ancient Indian treatise on the art of warfare, archery, and martial arts. The term "Dhanurveda" is derived from two Sanskrit words: "Dhanus," which means bow, and "Veda," which means knowledge or science.Read MoreArrow RightKalaripayattuKalaripayattu is a traditional martial art form originating from Kerala, a state in southern India. It is considered one of the oldest fighting systems in existence, with roots that can be traced back over 3,000 years.Read MoreArrow RightGadaThe gada is a traditional weapon and training tool that has significant historical and cultural importance in the Indian subcontinent.Read MoreArrow RightTalwarThe talwar is a traditional curved sword originating from the Indian subcontinent.Read MoreArrow RightKatarThe katar is a traditional weapon from the Indian subcontinent, known for its distinctive design and unique method of use.Read MoreArrow RightChakraThe chakram (also known as chakra) is a traditional throwing weapon that originated in the Indian subcontinent.Read MoreArrow RightGatkaGatka is a traditional form of martial art that originated in the Punjab region of India.Read MoreArrow RightFreestyle SamboFreestyle Sambo is a variant of Sambo that combines elements of traditional Sambo with additional techniques and rules, often influenced by other grappling arts such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, judo, and wrestling.Read MoreArrow Right
Knuckle Dusters Vs. Brass KnucklesDiscover the key differences between brass knuckles and knuckle dusters. Learn about their history, materials, legality, and practical uses in this in-depth comparison.March 6, 2025
Fist-Load Weapons: Traditional and Modern VarietiesFist-load weapons have a long history, dating back to ancient civilizations, and were used in many cultures to increase the effectiveness of hand-to-hand combat. In modern times, fist-load weapons have gained a bad reputation for being highly lethal and exacerbating the level of violence in a physical confrontation.March 26, 2023
Japanese Martial Arts Names ExplainedUnderstanding Japanese martial arts names reveals their deep-rooted philosophy and history. This article breaks down the meaning behind terms like jutsu (術) and dō (道) and explores 10 well-known arts, from Judo (柔道) to Kenjutsu (剣術). Dive into the language of martial mastery!February 26, 2025