Freestyle Sambo

What is Freestyle Sambo?

Freestyle Sambo is a variant of Sambo that combines elements of traditional Sambo with additional techniques and rules, often influenced by other grappling arts such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, judo, and wrestling. It is designed to be more inclusive and flexible, allowing a broader range of techniques and strategies.

Key Features:


  • Throws and Takedowns: Similar to those in traditional Sambo, judo, and wrestling.
  • Ground Control: Emphasizes controlling the opponent on the ground, including pins and positional control.
  • Submissions: A wide array of submission techniques, including joint locks and chokes, are permitted.
  • Striking: Unlike Combat Sambo, Freestyle Sambo typically does not include striking techniques, focusing instead on grappling.


  • Practitioners wear a "kurtka" (jacket), shorts, and wrestling shoes, similar to traditional Sambo attire.


  • The rules of Freestyle Sambo are more permissive compared to traditional Sport Sambo, allowing a greater variety of techniques.
  • Points are awarded for successful throws, takedowns, control positions, and submissions.
  • Matches can be won by points, submission, or achieving a significant point lead (often referred to as a "total victory").


  • Training in Freestyle Sambo involves a mix of technique drills, live sparring, and physical conditioning.
  • Practitioners learn to adapt and integrate techniques from various grappling arts, making them versatile and well-rounded fighters.


  • Freestyle Sambo competitions are held at various levels, from local to international.
  • The rules and scoring systems may vary slightly depending on the organizing body, but the emphasis remains on grappling and submissions.


  • Versatility: The inclusion of techniques from multiple grappling disciplines makes practitioners versatile and adaptable.
  • Physical Fitness: Enhances strength, endurance, flexibility, and overall physical conditioning.
  • Mental Toughness: Develops discipline, resilience, and strategic thinking.
  • Practical Skills: Offers effective grappling and submission techniques that can be applied in both sport and self-defense scenarios.

Freestyle Sambo provides a comprehensive approach to grappling, allowing practitioners to explore a wide range of techniques and strategies. It is a dynamic and evolving martial art that attracts individuals looking for a flexible and inclusive grappling system.

Related Article: Sambo: The Russian Martial Art and Combat Sport

The source of the disease is fear. Clear yourself totally from fear. When you have fear, your mind will become brittle. Fear and guilt can also destroy you like an enemy. The more you resist the more they persist. Like in martial arts, do not resist them, observe your opponent's strength, and use it to your benefit to win over them.
Souls from Mercury

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