
What is Shikiri?

Shikiri refers to the pre-match ritual and stance in sumo wrestling. Before the actual bout begins, both sumo wrestlers (rikishi) engage in a ceremonial process called shikiri-naoshi. This involves a series of actions, including:

  1. Stomping the Ground (Shiko): Wrestlers lift their legs high and stomp the ground to symbolize driving away evil spirits.
  2. Throwing Salt (Shio-maki): Wrestlers throw salt into the ring to purify it.
  3. Squatting and Staring (Shikiri): Wrestlers squat at the shikiri-sen (starting lines) and engage in an intense staring contest, attempting to psych each other out and gauge their opponent's readiness.

This ritual can be repeated multiple times as part of the psychological and physical preparation for the match. The shikiri period is a crucial aspect of sumo, emphasizing the mental and spiritual readiness of the wrestlers before the physical confrontation begins.

Related Article: Sumo Wrestling: The Traditional Japanese Combat Sport

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