
What is Savate?

Savate, also known as French kickboxing or French footfighting, is a form of martial art that originated in France. It combines elements of Western boxing with graceful kicking techniques. Practitioners of Savate, known as savateurs (for men) or savateuses (for women), use both their hands and feet to strike their opponents.

The sport emphasizes agility, precision, and strategy, and it is known for its distinctive kicks, which are often delivered with the toe or the edge of the shoe. Unlike some other martial arts, Savate practitioners wear specially designed shoes during training and competition.

Savate includes various techniques such as:

  1. Chassé: A pushing kick.
  2. Coup de pied bas: A low kick aimed at the opponent's legs.
  3. Fouetté: A whipping kick.
  4. Revers: A reverse kick using the heel or the edge of the shoe.

Savate is practiced both as a competitive sport and as a method of self-defense. It has a ranking system similar to that of other martial arts, with different levels of proficiency indicated by glove colors.

Related Article: Savate: The Elegant French Kickboxing Style

I can think of no more worthwhile aim than pursuing mastery in this craft while transcending one’s own limitations.
Chris Matakas

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