
What is Kenjutsu?

Kenjutsu is a traditional Japanese martial art that focuses on the techniques of swordsmanship. The term "Kenjutsu" translates to "the method or technique of the sword." It encompasses a variety of skills and practices related to the use of the Japanese katana or other types of swords. Historically, Kenjutsu was practiced by the samurai class and involved both solo forms (kata) and paired exercises to develop combat proficiency.

Training in Kenjutsu typically includes learning proper stances, strikes, blocks, and parries, as well as the mental discipline and focus required for effective swordsmanship. Many modern martial arts, such as Kendo and Iaido, have their roots in Kenjutsu. While Kendo has evolved into a sport with a focus on competition, Kenjutsu remains more closely tied to its traditional martial roots.

Related Article: Kenjutsu: The Japanese Swordsmanship Art of the Samurai

I wanted to get to the most essential aspect of my being, and look around for a while. I wanted to explore what I am in my most basic self. I wanted to chip away at all of the nonsense I have acquired through my twenty-nine years on this earth. I wanted to find truth. Thoreau went to the woods. I went to the mats. Jiu Jitsu has peeled the veil of daily life, and has shown me what lies beyond the curtain. We willingly accept the chains that circumstance forces upon us, and we grow to find comfort in them. We attach various fetters of day-to-day living to our being, and we do so with a smile. We accept these constraints for they come in the way of comfort. We accept conformity for it appears the path of least resistance. We strive toward the middle, and we run from ourselves.
Chris Matakas

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