
What is Kimedashi?

Kimedashi is a sumo wrestling technique where a wrestler forces their opponent out of the ring by immobilizing their arms. Specifically, the attacking wrestler grasps their opponent's arms from the outside, typically by locking their hands around the opponent's upper arms or shoulders, and then uses this grip to control and push the opponent backward out of the dohyo (sumo ring). This technique requires both strength and precision to effectively neutralize the opponent's ability to counter-attack or escape. Kimedashi is a display of both power and technical skill in sumo wrestling.

Related Article: Sumo Wrestling: The Traditional Japanese Combat Sport

Judo is the way to the most effective use of both physical and spiritual strength. By training you in attacks and defenses it refines your body and your soul and helps you make the spiritual essence of Judo a part of your very being. In this way you are able to perfect yourself and contribute something of value to the world. This is the final goal of Judo discipline.
Kano Jigoro

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