Brass Knuckles or Knuckle Dusters

What is Brass Knuckles or Knuckle Dusters?

Brass knuckles, also known as knuckle dusters, are handheld weapons designed to fit around the knuckles. They are typically made of metal, but can also be made from other materials such as plastic or wood. The primary purpose of brass knuckles is to increase the force of a punch by concentrating it onto a smaller and harder surface, which can cause more damage to the target.

Because of their potential for causing serious injury, the possession, sale, and use of brass knuckles are regulated or prohibited in many jurisdictions. Always check and comply with local laws and regulations regarding such items.

Related Article: Fist-Load Weapons: Traditional and Modern Varieties

Train to be able to defend yourself against any attack, and at the same time, retain your good heart towards other people. Don't allow bad people to turn your heart hard, but always be ready to defend yourself should you have to.
Bohdi Sanders

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