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The Long Staff

Weapons and Traditional Tools
Guest Blog Post

History and Cultural Significance of Long Staffs in Martial Arts Across the World

The use of long staffs in martial arts has a long and rich history that dates back thousands of years. The origins of the long staff can be traced to various parts of the world, including China, Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia.

In China, the use of the long staff is often associated with the Shaolin Temple, a Buddhist monastery known for its martial arts tradition. According to legend, Bodhidharma began the physical training of the monks of the Shaolin Monastery that led to the creation of Shaolin Kungfu. He developed a series of exercises to help the monks improve their physical strength and mental focus. These exercises included the use of a long staff, which was used both as a weapon and as a tool for physical conditioning.

Over time, the use of the long staff became a key part of the Shaolin martial arts curriculum, and it spread to other parts of China and beyond. Today, the long staff is a common weapon in many styles of Chinese martial arts, including Tai Chi, Xing Yi, and Bagua.

In Japan, the long staff is known as the "bo" and is used in various styles of martial arts, including Aikido, Karate, and Kendo. The bo staff originated in Okinawa, where it was used as an alternative weapon. When Emperor Sho Shin took control of the island in 1477, he banned weapons in an aim to keep the peace, and the long staff was a perfect solution then.

In Korea, the long staff is known as the "bong" and is used in the traditional martial art of Kuk Sool Won. The use of the bong can be traced back to the ancient kingdom of Silla, which existed from the 1st century BCE to the 10th century CE.

In Southeast Asia, the long staff is known as the "sibat" and is used in various styles of martial arts, including Arnis, Kali, and Escrima. The use of the sibat can be traced back to the indigenous peoples of the Philippines, who used the weapon for hunting and self-defense.

The long staff as a training weapon in Vietnamese martial arts

The long staff, known as "côn" in Vietnamese, is undoubtedly the most important weapon among all traditional Vietnamese martial arts weapons. In the basic curriculum of Vovinam schools, students learn the guard position, fundamental principles, the Stick Form (Tu Tuong Con Phap), and counterattacks using the long staff. The advanced curriculum offers training in stylistic handling of the weapon, defense against disarming techniques, blocking and dodging, footwork, as well as combat techniques. Additionally, there are warm-up and bodybuilding exercises that are performed using the long staff.

Used as both a weapon and a training tool, the long staff is an integral part of many traditional Vietnamese martial arts styles, including Vovinam, Vo Lam, and Binh Dinh.

In Vietnamese martial arts, the long staff is typically made of bamboo or hardwood and measures between six and nine feet in length. It is used for striking, blocking, and as a lever for throws and joint locks.

One of the key benefits of training with the long staff is that it helps develop strength, balance, and coordination. Holding and manipulating the long staff requires the use of the entire body, including the legs, hips, arms, and shoulders. This helps improve overall physical fitness and can also be beneficial for other aspects of daily life, such as balance and posture.

In addition to physical benefits, training with the long staff can also have mental and spiritual benefits. Many Vietnamese martial arts styles emphasize the importance of developing a strong, focused mind, and training with the long staff can help practitioners achieve this goal. The discipline and concentration required to master the techniques of the long staff can also be applied to other areas of life, such as work, school, and personal relationships.

Another benefit of training with the long staff is that it can be adapted to different levels of skill and physical ability. Beginners can start with basic techniques such as striking and blocking, while more advanced practitioners can incorporate joint locks, throws, and other advanced techniques.

In addition to its training benefits, the long staff is also a formidable weapon in its own right. Its length and weight make it effective for striking from a distance, while its versatility allows for a wide range of techniques and tactics. In self-defense situations, the long staff can be used to keep attackers at bay and create openings for counterattacks.

The long staff for practicing forms (katas)

Used for striking, blocking, and as a lever for throws and joint locks, the long staff is also an important tool for practicing kata, or forms.

In Vietnamese martial arts, kata is a series of predetermined movements that simulate a fight against imaginary opponents. These movements are practiced solo and are designed to develop technique, strength, balance, coordination, and mental focus.

The long staff is commonly used in kata in many Vietnamese martial arts styles, including Vovinam, Vo Lam, and Binh Dinh. In kata, the long staff is used to simulate combat against multiple opponents, and practitioners must use a variety of techniques and tactics to defend themselves and counterattack.

One of the key benefits of using the long staff in kata is that it helps develop technique and timing. The long staff requires the use of the entire body, including the legs, hips, arms, and shoulders, and requires practitioners to move with precision and control. Practicing kata with the long staff helps practitioners develop the muscle memory and timing needed to execute techniques effectively in real-world situations.

Another benefit of using the long staff in kata is that it helps develop creativity and adaptability. In kata, practitioners must use their imagination to simulate different scenarios and develop strategies for dealing with different opponents. This creativity and adaptability can be applied to real-world situations, helping practitioners respond effectively to unexpected situations.

The long staff is also an effective tool for developing footwork and mobility. In kata, practitioners must move around the imaginary opponents while maintaining their balance and control of the long staff. This helps improve footwork and agility, which can be useful in self-defense situations.

In addition to its training benefits, using the long staff in kata also helps preserve and pass on the traditional techniques and techniques of Vietnamese martial arts. Kata is an important part of the martial arts curriculum, and practicing kata with the long staff helps preserve the techniques and tactics that have been passed down from generation to generation.

The long staff as a training weapon in Japanese martial arts

The long staff, known as the "bō" in Japanese martial arts, holds a significant place in the training and techniques of various Japanese disciplines. The use of the long staff (bō) in Japanese martial arts, particularly within Samurai and Okinawan traditions, reflects a rich cultural and martial history.

For Samurai, the bō was one of many weapons in their arsenal. While the katana is more famously associated with samurai, the bō and other polearms were essential, especially in situations where swords were not practical. The bō represents more than just a weapon; it's a symbol of adaptability, resourcefulness, and the integration of martial skills with philosophical and ethical principles.

Bojutsu: martial art of using a bo

Bojutsu is the Japanese martial art focused on using the bō, a long staff traditionally about 6 feet (1.8 meters) in length. This art form is deeply rooted in Japanese history and culture and is characterized by its versatility, technique, and the physical and mental discipline it requires.

Bojutsu's exact origins are unclear, but it likely developed from the need for self-defense, especially among monks and commoners who were forbidden from carrying swords. It was also influenced by the combat techniques of the samurai. Over centuries, bojutsu evolved, incorporating techniques and principles from various martial arts. It was adapted for use in both open battlefields and more confined spaces.

Bojutsu includes various striking techniques using different parts of the staff, such as the ends, sides, and middle. Strikes can be executed in a number of ways, including thrusts, sweeps, and overhead or sideways hits. Defensive moves are essential, allowing practitioners to deflect or redirect opponents' attacks. Skilled bojutsu practitioners can control the flow of a fight by manipulating the bō to create openings, control distance, and manage multiple opponents. Mobility is key in bojutsu. Practitioners learn to move quickly and efficiently, maintaining balance and readiness.

Like many Japanese martial arts, bojutsu emphasizes mental discipline, concentration, and the development of a calm, focused mind.

Bojutsu has spread worldwide, often taught in conjunction with other martial arts like karate, aikido, and jujutsu.

The long staff as a training weapon in European martial arts based on Jogo do Pau example

Jogo do Pau is a traditional Portuguese martial art that focuses on the use of a long staff, similar in some respects to the Japanese bō.

Jogo do Pau ("game of the stick") originated in the rural regions of northern Portugal, particularly in Minho and Trás-os-Montes. It began as a practical method of self-defense for shepherds and farmers. Initially developed for dealing with rivalries and local conflicts, it evolved into a more formalized martial art over time, especially as it became part of local festivals and fairs.

The Staff in Jogo do Pau

The staff used in Jogo do Pau is typically about 4 to 5 feet long (1.2 to 1.5 meters), which is shorter than the Japanese bō. It's usually made from holly oak or other hardwoods. The staff is handled with both hands, and its length allows for a reach advantage over shorter weapons like knives or short sticks.

The primary techniques involve various striking methods, including swinging and thrusting the staff. Practitioners aim for vital targets on the opponent's body. Defense involves blocking or redirecting the opponent's strikes, often setting up for a counter-attack.

Training involves practicing solo forms (similar to kata in Eastern martial arts) and partner drills to develop precision, timing, and reflexes. Controlled sparring is an essential part of learning, helping practitioners apply techniques in a dynamic, unscripted context.

Modern practice

There has been a recent resurgence in interest in Jogo do Pau, with efforts to preserve and promote it as an important part of Portuguese cultural heritage. Efforts are being made to document and teach the art systematically, including the creation of instructional materials and the organization of workshops and courses. There are now several clubs and schools dedicated to teaching Jogo do Pau, not only in Portugal but also in other countries. These schools often blend traditional techniques with modern training methodologies.

Elements of Jogo do Pau are sometimes integrated into other martial arts training, particularly in Europe, where there's growing interest in historical and traditional martial practices. Practitioners of HEMA, which focuses on reconstructing historical European fighting techniques, often draw inspiration from Jogo do Pau. The staff techniques from Jogo do Pau can provide insights into the use of similar European weapons, like the quarterstaff.

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For one thing, Judo in reality is not a mere sport or game. I regard it as a principle of life, art and science. In fact, it is a means for personal cultural attainment.
Kano Jigoro